The Plant Explorer in basis functionality is the newest member of the diagnostic tools for communication networks in the production environment.
The “Plant Explorer – Basis” is a program for exploring industrial communication networks. In particular for PROFINET, device information from the devices is read and displayed in addition to the graphical display of the network topology. Furthermore, you can trigger acyclic read and write services or assign IP addresses and device names. The tool is deliberately kept simple, but it can also be used on tablets.

In the free version you not only get the recording of the network topology but also the possibility to read and partly also write specific data from the device. An example of this is the I&M data. In addition to the device modules, their submodules are now also displayed. The determined information (device list) is provided via an export as CSV/Excel or AutomationML file. A CSV/Excel file created in a previous diagnosis session can be read in in order to automatically baptize devices such as IP address or name assignment with one mouse click.
The fee based version of Plant Explorer also allows writing of all device parameters and exports the entire network topology as an AutomationML file. You are welcome to contact us by phone or via the form.
Key Features of Analysis
- Network Topology
- Detailed Device Information
- Data Acquisition without Affecting Running Systems
- Graphical Presentation of the Network Topology, the device modules and sub modules

Selected Functions
- Reading and Writing of all Standardized and User-defined Parameter Blocks
- Structured representation and input of parameters
Evaluation of available GSD files
Overview of the Device Configuration
Setting Device Name and Address
Export in CSV, Excel or AutomationML